

Let’s dive in and find out if a residential Solar System would make sense for you!

Alright, so there’s been a lot of buzz around residential solar systems. You may have had someone knock on your door, approach you at Home Depot, or simply seen a lot of ads on your social media feed. So whats the deal? is this really true? do these programs work?

Let’s take a look at a couple of benefits of going SOLAR!

How much can a solar system save you on your electric bill?

So this one is a mixed bag. Not all homes are built equally and not all electricity consumptions are all the same, but its a pretty safe bet that you can get a solar system installed for the same cost of your monthly electric bill, if not sometimes less than what your average bill may be. Sounds too good to be true? well its not. Here’s how it works;

  • Solar is more affordable than ever which means cheaper costs to the consumers
  • Solar technology has increased tremendously over the past decades which means more power generations, from smaller panels
  • There are amazing federal grants and also some local State and Municipality grants that make a solar system more affordable.

Check out the EPA’s site on renewable energy incentives

Does solar increase the value of my home?

The short answer, yes but there are a few things to consider.

  1. Whats the cost to get the solar system installed?
  2. What is the const to maintain a solar system?
  3. what is the esthetic impact to my property?

Home owners are willing to pay a premium with in a reported study. Think about it, if you purchased a home and new your electricity bill would be significantly lower than your neighbors would that house look more attractive to you? not to mention the positive impact you are having on the environment?

US Home Comfort is proud to offer Texas and California residence flexible options. We are a local company that takes pride in helping home owners become more energy efficient. We look at every project on an individual basis to help our customer make a well informed decision, and if the product is not a good fit for you, we will let you know.

Our team is standing by and ready to answer all of your questions. Drop us a note below with your questions or comments, or contact us through our social media pages;

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3401 Express Dr. Unit B, Garland Texas, 75041

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